Training Your Pet Rabbit by Patricia Bartlett
Training Your Pet Rabbit by Patricia Bartlett PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Owners of rabbits must first understand their pet's body language, then create an atmosphere of mutual trust. Rabbits can then be trained to live happily in a house or an apartment without getting into trouble. The author also suggests cage toys that will entertain both the pet and its owner. Tiitles in this series will be much appreciated by owners who don't know how to get started training caged pets, but want to learn. Correct training begins with having the right kind of housing and equipment, then getting all members of the family acquainted with the newly arrived animal. Training Your Pet books feature full-color photos on nearly every page, tips for hassle-free travel with a pet, advice on managing behavior problems, and a selection of games that owners can teach their pets to play.From reader reviews:
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